Sunday, August 14, 2005

It's been a long, long, time...

Ok, so it's been awhile.

Quite awhile.

If anyone even reads this thing, I send out my very deepest and heartfelt apologies for neglecting the vramh (isn't that cute? i just made up that acronym for the title of this here blog... pretty cool, huh?)

So what's new in the world of you, you might ask? The first 'you' meaning me, the second 'you', meaning anyone reading this thing. A great deal, and at the very same time, not a whole lot else. A conundrum of sorts.

To speak bluntly and incredibly premature (or at least a little preemie anyway) I believe I may very well have found the perfect man with whom I'd love to spend... dare I say it... the rest of my life. THERE. I said it. It's true. He is the man from August 1st, my fairly distant yet consistently present beau. Actually, I don't think we've quite reached the 'beau' phase, but I'm there in spirit, so let's just run with that, shall we? Let's. He's my match, I feel, in so many ways, and he could quite possible be my Obi-Wan Kenobi. Think hard... you'll figure that one out. Not Obi Wan in a bad way, mind you, but in the most simply perfect way a person could hope for. Blissfully perfect. (Damn my incessant and recurring optimistic foreshadowing!)

But honestly, other than the man of my dreams running across my mind - and ever so occasionally across my path in person - there is not a whole lot else going on. But reader, that is a whole lotta plenty for me!

Oh, okay. I am starting school back up in about a week or so. That's kinda big... I guess. But really, not much else of note.

(did I forget to mention my recent affliction with 'the fleas' and the subsequent Vini Vidi Vici struggle and victorious overthrow? no? i guess i've got something to get back to later...)

Monday, August 01, 2005

"And my heart beats so . . . "

Oh, what a beautiful morning! Oh, what a beautiful day...

I met a wonderful man yesterday. Well, we had been conversating for a week or so prior, but I got to meet him in person for the first time. He is the first guy in a long time, perhaps maybe ever, who fit the bill in almost every aspect; the 'bill' being the criteria I use to measure the marks of the man I'd like to meet. He is tall, dark and handsome, funny, sweet, easy-going, understanding, tender, talented, unique . . . I could go on, but for the sake of brevity - and those of you who could really care less - I'll stop here.

We enjoyed dinner, a movie, and a stereotypical walk along the river at sunset. Stereotypical, my arse! I don't think I've had a dating three-pack like that (not that I can remember, anyway) in my dating repertoire, so it was a lovely change of pace. He was a gentleman to a tee, playful, interested and sincere, and worth every second of anxiety that I experienced up until (and for the first hour or so after) his arrival.

But a monkey wrench there is in the workings of this foundling relationship: distance. We live almost 2 hours apart. Now granted, that's not the greatest distance ever traversed; we could be living clear across the world. But living in closer proximity would definitely be more conducive to the early stages of a relationship. Which we have not yet entered into, just to keep the record straight. There are also other considerations to be made, on both sides of the fence. But let me tell you, there would be no hesitation on this end, should the relationship invitation be posed in my direction.

Here is my theory: if something - an opportunity, a friendship, a relationship - feels like it could be worth fighting for, worth cultivating, worth a chance, then you should go for it. For better of for worse, the least you can expect is a learning experience. The most you can expect is the time of your life, maybe for the rest of your life.

So here I sit, thrilled with the memory of my yesterday, content with my today, and excited with the prospect of my tomorrow.