Thursday, July 21, 2005

If Life was like the Circus . . .

If Life was like the Circus, what kind of world would we be living in? Who would fill the billets under the Big Top? Where would you fit in?

Let me break it down for you.

The military would be the aerial and highwire acts. Anything done high above the ground, with or without a net. Why, you might ask, is that? Because the military is a tightly nit, fairly organized (at least at the heart of things) unit, even between the different branches. Everyone works together, knows their part, and executes their respective moves with a general skill and finesse, just like the highwire acts. And like the highwire acts, the military often balances on a very thin line, in which a mistake or misstep could very easily result in tragedy.

Who's next . . .


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