Wednesday, July 20, 2005

And Now We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming...

Let me just say that I have the best family in the world. Period.

We love each other unconditionally, yet still find the time to worry about each other's actions (and/or lack of action). We are always able to find an eager listening ear, complete with a mouth for offering advice when needed and wanted.

We have been through a lot in our days, all of which has built us up stronger and more secure than what most families would like to boast. And let me just say, we have some of the best, most ridiculous stories you're like to ever hear; having a blood line chock full of the storytelling gene goes a long way there, too.

I joke about things, and tell others these stories, and I love every minute of it. But even through all the happiness, hardships and hinderances of my past, I would never trade my life or my memories for any other ones in the world.

God has truly blessed me through my life and my family. I love everything about who we are and what we are and where we have come from. I have two of best, most loving parents an undisciplined, nearly 30-something could hope for. I have a fabulous brother and imcomparable sister, with nephews, and a bro & sis by marriage to add to the pot, too. My two wonderful boys are the icing on this scrumptious dessert; this decadent, fulfilling, not to be underestimated, surprisingly perfect compliment to the unique feast that has, is, and gratefully always will be my life.

I love you all... you mean the world to me.


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